2007年5月29日 星期二

Effect of Tehnology(comment by myaccess)

Holistic Feedback ReportOverallSTUDENT18, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 6. Your response was evaluated on the basis of how well it communicates its message considering important areas of writing including focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style, and conventions and mechanics. A response that receives a score of six communicates its message very effectively. Typically, a response at this level clearly states the topic and purpose and maintains a single controlling point. The response is very cohesive and unified. A response at this level typically shows very effective development of ideas, with effective use of examples, evidence and/or supporting details. The response has a very effective organizational pattern. Ideas are well developed and clearly supported with details. The sentence structure is very effective, varied and free of errors. There is precision in usage and word choice as well as evidence of mastery of mechanical conventions such as spelling and punctuation. A more detailed analysis of your response is provided for each of the five important writing areas below. Writing Analysis Your response was also evaluated in terms of five important traits of writing, focus and meaning, content and development, organization, language use and style and mechanics and conventions. Each of the five areas was evaluated on a scale ranging from one to six.

What sector of the population will be most seriously affected by a given technology and when? If the technology is one that can be generalized over the entire society, then it will probably have an impact on everyone but if it has localized application, then what form of effect ill exist and for whom? Historically, any example that deals with a technology being localized for some reason would suffice to demonstrate the necessity of studying this issue. In the ancient world, about the time of the rise of the Mesopotamian city states such as Ur and Lagash in the fertile crescent, it was the technological innovation of agriculture that created cities where trade took place. City states arose around the farmlands of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, and because of the availability of water transportation (another example of technology), they were able to grow prosperous and powerful. Thus, the citizens of these areas were most greatly affected by the introduction of the agricultural technology, though tribal peoples from along the rivers were involved in the trade that resulted from the sedentary life style the agricultural people practiced. A more contemporary example is the age of "king cotton" in the southern United States. With the cotton gin, cotton manufacture became cheap and profitable. By technologically solving the problem of how to comb the seeds from the cotton fiber rapidly and cheaply, the desirability of cotton as a crop rose dramatically, and there was a thriving market for those goods in England, where the textile industry depended on cotton and wool for its livelihood. The people most directly affected by the technology were those in a position to take advantage of it, that is, the Southern states, where the climate was perfect for growing cotton and where the employment of slave labor was productive enough to be profitable. These conditions did not exist in the North, and, as a result, people living there were relatively untouched by either the cotton industry or the slave labor method of operation, since Northern industry depended on different inputs to create goods and services. Eventually, the schism in social systems represented by the localized nature of the cotton industry technology led to the Civil War and the end of an era. After years of political and economic dominance by an agricultural South, the nation was dominated by a more efficient and more productive North, where, it should be noted, there was a technological advantage in manufacturing industries because of the abundance of raw materials and transportation. Whom a technology affects is as important as how. This can lead to moral questions as well. What of the wonder drugs that could be manufactured or developed but are not because the number of patients requiring them is too small to warrant the costs? What of the ability to save lives through expensive operations such as heart transplants or mechanical hearts? Who receives them and who does not? Who pays for them? Are there too few people affected to warrant continuing that technology? These are some of the questions that arise in considering this aspect of technological development.
Individual Error Summary Report
Word Count = 520 Readability = Grade 14.3
Error Type
Error Category
Error Count
Subject-verb agreement errors
Spelling errors
Punctuation errors (ESL)
Capitalization errors
Missing articles
Clause errors
Similar words
Pronoun errors

Effect of Technology

What sector of the population will be most seriously affected by a given technology and when? If the technology is one that can be generalized over the entire society, then it will probably have an impact on everyone but if it has localized application, then what form of effect ill exist and for whom?
City states arose around the farmlands of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys, and because of the availability of water transportation, they were able to grow prosperous and powerful. Thus, the citizens of these areas were most greatly affected by the introduction of the agricultural technology, though tribal peoples from along the rivers were involved in the trade that resulted from the sedentary life style the agricultural people practiced.
Whom a technology affects is as important as how. What of the ability to save lives through expensive operations such as heart transplants or mechanical hearts? Who receives them and who does not? Who pays for them? Are there too few people affected to warrant continuing that technology? These are some of the questions that arise in considering this aspect of technological development.

2007年5月8日 星期二


1. You should study your lesson in advance. When should you study your lesson?
2. The trip was made over bumpy roads. What kind of road were they?
3. They’re going to Dallas by plane. How are they going to Dallas?
4. Claude ate some dessert at noon. What did he eat?
5. The pilot can land now. What can he do?
6. This student works independently of others. How does he work?
7. Arthur would like to have a hamburger rather than a hotdog. What does he prefer?
8. He has a spare room in his apartment. What does he have?
9. The customs are different here. What are different?
10. Arthur will be gone for an extended period of time. How long will he be gone?
11. Mr. Smith asked Joe: “Do you have a bank account?” What did Mr. Smith want to know?12. There’s a large hole in the table cloth. What is the matter with the cloth?
13. What is a pharmacist?
14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about?
15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive?
16. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence?
17. Did you find out what caused his illness?
18. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it?
19. Maurice finished his studies at a quarter to eight. When did he finish his studies?
20. Highway accidents can be kept at a minimum if everyone follows safety rules. How can we minimize accidents?
21. Did anyone of your friends call on you?
22. The weatherman said it might rain tomorrow. What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
23. Peter quitted working after sunset. When did he stop?
24. The driver reached his destination with very little gasoline in the tank. How did he arrive in his destination?
25. Richard spends an hour each day in physical training. What does he do?
26. Gerald kept working on the problem until he solved it.
27. The judge is very concerned about traffic accidents.
28. Blend’s home is air-conditioned.
29. We have been here just ten minutes.
30. When you go by air, you depend on the pilot to take you to your destination safely.
31. Bob goes to the club every Friday night.
32. The humidity is very high.
33. This is not the right road.
34. Some people like to argue all the time.
35. The entire class is going on the tour.
36. The students seem a little bored with the lesson today.
37. Some students have trouble communicating.
38. The motor sometimes gets overheated.
39. This pencil is like that one.
40. I have a date this afternoon.
41. Henry said: “I will write twice a week on my trip.”
42. The small fishing boat was anchored beside the big steamship.
43. The patrol may encounter the enemy by tomorrow morning.
44. The students are going to miss their train.
45. Ralph needs to visit a dentist for treatment of his tooth.
46. I don’t know about his problem, but I can guess what it is about.
47. You must make your students study.
48. This metal can be bent easily into any shape.
49. He had a chance to see a good movie while he was in town.
50. The rock crashed through the window.
51. W: Did you see that ring around the moon last night? M: Yes, it was strange, wasn’t it? Q: What did they see last night?
52. M: I hear your son is in the army. What is he now? W: A sergeant. Q: What rank is her son?53. M: Were the students on time for the examination? W: No, they were not. Q: What did the woman say about the students?
54. W: Will you try to do this? M: I will if you’ll give me a hand. Q: How will the man try to do it?
55. W: Where are you going, Bob? M: I’m going to have this suit pressed. Q: Where will the man have to go?
56. W: Do you enjoy fishing? M: Yes, it’s my favorite sport. Q: What do we know from the conversation?
57. M: Where is the table you want repair? W: Follow me to the back of the house. Q: What did the woman say?
58. W: What’s the matter with Frank? M: He has hardly any money. Q: What did the man say about Frank?
59. W: Do you need anything from the store? M: Yes, pick up a package of cigarette for me. Q: What did the man say?
60. M: Do you know anything about Ronny? W: WeIl, I do know that he minds his father. Q: What did the woman say about Ronny?

2007年5月6日 星期日

Wang 40 by.CNN

NEW YORK (AP) -- Always unflappable, Chien-Ming Wang was nearly unhittable Saturday. Perfect, in fact, before one misplaced changeup.
Wang carried his bid for a perfect game into the eighth inning before Ben Broussard hit the only changeup he threw all day for a one-out homer, and the New York Yankees beat the Seattle Mariners 8-1.
Catcher Jorge Posada knew the changeup was in trouble from the start.
"As soon as he threw it," Posada said, "I was just hoping the guy didn't swing at it."
Facing a Mariners team that got season highs of 15 runs and 20 hits the previous night, Wang (1-2) was in control the whole way. Seattle struggled to do anything with Wang's heavy sinker, one of the best pitches in the majors.
One simple changeup did him in.
Wang said he left the ball "high."
He got Richie Sexson to roll back to him for the first out of the eighth, but Broussard followed with a home run to right-center field.
"It'd feel better if we had won," Broussard said. "But, definitely, I think everybody's a competitor. Nobody wants to get no-hit. I think everybody was going up just trying to have a good at-bat, maybe see some pitches and see what happens."
The Yankee Stadium crowd saluted Wang with a long, standing ovation. The right-hander from Taiwan stood behind the mound for a moment with his hat off, briefly clenched his jaw and wiped sweat from his brow. Posada went to the mound to talk to him.
Jose Guillen was up next, and he singled. Kenji Johjima then bounced into a double play to end the inning. Wang walked slowly to the dugout as some of his teammates ran past him, giving him a pat on the back on their way to the bench.
"You're disappointed, naturally," shortstop Derek Jeter said. "You're disappointed for him because you don't know when you're going to get the opportunity again."
Wang was trying for the 16th perfect game since 1900, including Don Larsen's gem for the Yankees in the 1956 World Series.
The last two perfect games in the AL have occurred at Yankee Stadium, by New York's David Cone (1999) and David Wells (1998). Larsen also pitched his at the ballpark.
Randy Johnson has the last perfect game in the majors, for Arizona at Atlanta on May 18, 2004.
Brian Bruney took over for Wang to begin the ninth and finished off the two-hitter.
On Tuesday night, Yankees rookie Phil Hughes took a no-hitter into the seventh inning at Texas, but was forced to leave because of a hamstring injury.
If Wang was at all fazed by the growing tension in the Bronx, he didn't show it. After the seventh inning, he sat all by himself at the far end of the dugout with a white towel draped over his right shoulder.
"He's really calm," Posada said. "Nothing really fazes him. He's our No. 1. We need him every five days."
This was certainly an unlikely situation for a perfect game. Wang, who finished second in the AL Cy Young voting last year, went on the disabled list in spring training with a strained right hamstring and struggled in his first two starts of the season.
"First two starts, I felt not so strong," Wang said.
He cruised through the first two innings, striking out two in the second. Third baseman Alex Rodriguez backhanded Jose Lopez's hard one-hopper and threw him out to end the third.
Rodriguez also made a great play to retire Lopez for the final out of the sixth. He charged a slow roller up the line and made a strong throw to nip Lopez at first as the crowd roared.
"He threw the ball so well today," Rodriguez said. "It was exciting. I don't get to appreciate how well his ball moves from where I play. I'm just consumed with the thought that I'm going to be busy."
Ichiro Suzuki hit a grounder off Wang's left shin in the fourth but the right-hander threw him out at first. The trainer came out to check on him but Wang was fine.
Suzuki led off the seventh with a deep drive into the gap, but left fielder Hideki Matsui caught it on the run.
"He wasn't leaving a whole lot over the middle of the plate," said Willie Bloomquist, who went 0-for-3 against Wang. "It's deceptive because when you're up there it looks like it's going to be down the heart of the plate but then that late movement kind of gets in on you, or jams you a little bit, or makes you hit it off the end."
New York broke open the game in the sixth when Jeff Weaver (0-5) started struggling with his control. Weaver, a former Yankee, hit Matsui with a pitch with the bases loaded and also walked Melky Cabrera to force in another run.
Posada also had a run-scoring single and Jeter a two-run double in the five-run inning.
Weaver, who recorded just one out in his previous start, went 5 2-3 innings against the Yankees, allowing six runs and nine hits. He has given up 29 runs and 40 hits in 17 innings over five starts this season.
"He threw the ball well," said Mariners manager Mike Hargrove, who added Weaver will take his next turn in the rotation. "If he throws like that the rest of the year we're going to be all right."
Notes: Rodriguez was hit on his left elbow by a pitch in the seventh inning. He said he hopes he'll be able to play Sunday. ... Yankees CF Johnny Damon didn't play after his right calf cramped up during his last at-bat in Seattle's 15-11 win Friday night. He is day to day. ... Yankees RHP Darrell Rasner was recalled from Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre and RHP Colter Bean was sent down. Rasner will start against the Mariners on Sunday. ... Mariners 3B Adrian Beltre and DH Jose Vidro got the day off.

2007年5月1日 星期二

1. Allen plays a different sport each season. Which of these is a season?
2. Alice gave me part of her apple. How much did she give me?
3. Baseball, football and basketball are popular sports. But recently boating has become popular. What has become popular lately?
4. When I told her the news, Mary began to cry. How did Mary feel?
5. Who is usually most dependent on other people?
6. What did Harry need a battery for?
7. Humans are able to survive at very high altitude. What can they do there?
8. Anna complained that she was starving. What was she complaining about?
9. Frank walked quite a distance. How far did he walk?
10. What is gasoline used for?
11. Walter has a good deal of cash on hand. What does he have?
12. John and George want to take a walk after dinner. What do they want to do after dinner?
13. Did the student cross out the incorrect answer?
14. Why did Virginia go to the dentist?
15. Did Robert motion to you?
16. Which date would be best for you?
17. Is your dog healthy?
18. Why do people look forward to holidays?
19. Did the fog bother you?
20. He wanted to study engineering. What did he want to know?
21. Did Donald wreck the truck?
22. What will Jane do with her new cabinet?
23. Are you thirsty?
24. Mr. Stone ignores all his friends’ opinions. What did Mr. Stone do?
25. Where do we get on the bus?
26. It felt like a Canadian winter.
27. He noticed the mark right away.
28. Barbara considers her work a pleasure.
29. The father was severe with his child.
30. Joe’s eyes were badly damaged.
31. He could go with us if he wanted to.
32. The wire is twisted.
33. His stomach is full.
34. The volume over there is going to increase.
35. The fire spread.
36. Stick to your studies.
37. She is going to sing again.
38. The box is made of aluminum.
39. Mrs. Smith was looking for a new dress.
40. On this flag, each star stands for a state.
41. Mr. Candle keeps his tools in an orderly manner.
42. The water was transformed.
43. Many people settled in America.
44. Bob felt like a stranger at the meeting.
45. We were told to think it over before we decided.
46. He was disturbed by the noise.
47. Susan was carrying her baggage.
48. The commander observed a weakness in the enemy’s defense.
49. Don’t bother about the receipt.
50. The school has a new system for teaching students how to type.
51. W: What started all this? M: Something highly flammable in the back room. Q: What are they talking about?
52. W: Do you like it? M: Yes, it’s delicious. Q: What the man and woman probably talking about?
53. W: Where did you get those? M: I got them from the library. Q: What are the man and woman probably talking about?
54. W: Is that our train there? M: Yes, we must hurry now. Q: What must they do?
55. M: Where does John work? W: He works in an automobile factory. M: What are his duty hours? W: He works from nine to five. Q: When does John start his work everyday?
56. W: Have you finished the work yet? M: All I have to do is take care of the lubrication. Q: What does the man have to do?
57. W: Why can’t you let me in? M: I forgot the key. Q: Why don’t they go in?
58. W: Would you like more vegetables? M: No, that’s sufficient, thank you. Q: What did the man mean?
59. M: Do you agree with Oscar? W: No, but I still like him very much. Q: What is the woman saying about Oscar?
60. W: What would you like to eat? M: Anything will be all right. M: What did the man say?

2007年4月30日 星期一


Have you ever expreienced a natural disaster? Describe your experience.
A:Yes, a taphoon. It's rain heavily and strong wind.
Which natural disaster do you think causes the most harm? Why?
A:I think the mudslide is so terrible. It would be kill the people suddenly.

2007年4月23日 星期一

The Art of Life
Leader in the twenty-first century ought comprehend the art of life. We can make some changes to alter our moods. WE may sometimes feel frustrated or discouraged nevertheless conjuction, looking at the bright side of life can invariably help who to guide us passing though the shadow of sarrow. Try to add some clever thoughts to your daily routine to assist you in keeping in high spirits.

Additionally we can also change our environment and our approach to handle problems. In this way, I am deeply convinced as you are eager to be happy, you are bound to lead a wholesome and carefree life.

As far as I am concerned, our point of view about life differ enormnusly in that our backgrounds very fram one person to another. Even through we life in is flooded with aninfinite variety of fantasic ideals, the attitude toward showing respect to others accordingly becomes an indispensable trend for everyone to cultirate.

2007年3月18日 星期日

An unforgettable festival

Almost everyone has an unforgettable day during their lifetime and I am no exception. The most memorable experience in my life happened on my 20th birthday.A month before my 20th birthday, I was complaining to my sister about not having any new sweaters, so I asked her for one, but she told me, “Sorry, I don’t have any spare money to buy you a new sweater.” I was very disappointed when she said that, so I continued to wear my old sweater. A month later, it was my birthday. I remembered it was very cold that day. When I returned home after school, I saw that my sister gave me a very big gift. I opened the gift box and was shocked to see a sweater inside. The sweater had my name sewn in the center and my favorite graphics were also sewn in a circle around my name. When I saw the gift, it brought tears to my eyes, because it was specially made for me. During that night, I kept holding the sweater while I fell asleep. My dear sister was so sweet and kind to me. I could never forget that moment when I was emotionally moved by my sister’s thoughtfulness.

2007年3月6日 星期二

My favorite sport

In my childhood time, I like outdoor activities very much .Usually go with my family members to do some exercise. For example, like mountaineering, swimming and jogging .Therefore, I have learned many kind of sport .All of them, basketball is my favorite.When I was 10 year-old, I `d like playing basketball very much .At the same time, I participated the basketball club to improve some foundations movements .Till now I still joined the basketball club, even joins the school basketball team .The basketball becomes a part of my life .When I was in my free time , I always play basketball with my friend to promotes the basketball skill in ball games.The basketball is a very healthy sport also an item of teamwork sport .Suits any age level or anyone .This is the reason why basketball can be so popular from the ancient until now.Do you want to join us?Remember it ,that will become the most popular sport in the world.

2007年2月13日 星期二


This is my first article in this blog.
I`ll show you.
~~the end